Advising FAQs and Student Resources  

These FAQs are relevant to current Hudson Global Scholars students enrolled in our U.S. Diploma programs.

General Questions

  • International students who successfully complete a U.S. Diploma Program are guaranteed admission to one of the HGS participating universities, or HGS will refund their program fee. Students must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.5 to qualify. Students are also required to complete a free or low-cost online English placement exam during the university admissions process. Nationality requirements vary by receiving country. For more information, please visit: Our Guarantee | Hudson Global Scholars.

  • The most current list of universities can be found here. These universities represent top quality academic institutions in the United States, UK, Canada, and Australia.

  • Hudson Global Scholars is pleased to offer scholarships to its U.S. Diploma graduates. Scholarship levels are determined by the student's academic records, English proficiency level, and the university and programs selected.

    For participating U.S. universities:

    • Qualifying students with a GPA of 2.5-3.69 are guaranteed a minimum $1,500 scholarship with potential for up to $20,000.

    • Qualifying students with a GPA of 3.7 or higher are guaranteed a minimum $10,000 scholarship with potential for up to $30,000.

    The HGS university advisor will discuss this with individual students in further detail during advising sessions. Partial scholarships may be available for participating universities outside the United States.

Advising Questions 

  • Hudson Global Scholars provides free university advising to all Dual Diploma students that is designed to help them achieve the dream of studying abroad at one of our top-quality universities. This includes up to four individualized sessions with an advisor (and parents are encouraged to attend!), as well as the opportunity to join scheduled group advising sessions.

  • The application process for HGS participating universities is quite streamlined and simple! There are no requirements for SAT/ACTs, essays, or A Level Exams. There is also no fee to apply to our participating universities. In contrast, the process for applying to outside universities tends to be much more rigorous and time-consuming as many schools require essays, standardized testing, and incur application fees.

  • HGS provides university advising to all students in their programs. For students who decide not to pursue a participating HGS university, our advisors will offer basic support such as consultation, goal setting, and preparation for the common application. If a student needs deeper services, such as essay writing or interview prep, the advisor will recommend alternative advising options to support students’ post-graduation goals.

  • Yes! HGS recommends that all students either attend a group session (typically scheduled by the local school coordinator) or an individual session, even if they are not sure about their post-graduation plans. Attending a first session is a great way to learn about the unique opportunities available to Hudson Global Scholars students—and students may be happily surprised to learn that attending a top university is within their grasp!

  • It is never too early to schedule a session with a university advisor, even for students who are just getting started with their academic program. An early session can help students set goals that will help them as they progress in the program and understand how to take full advantage of the opportunities afforded to them.

English Testing and Proficiency  

  • For any of the participating HGS university applications, no TOEFL completion is required. However, all universities require an English exam. The exams that participating HGS universities require will vary by campus. The score will inform how students are placed and whether they need additional English supports to be successful at the university. These requirements are different for every university. The HGS advisor will discuss this with individual students in further detail during the advising process so that expectations are clear.

  • That is great. Students should inform their university advisor and will be directed on whether they may use these results in their university applications.

  • Hudson Global Scholars offers intermittent English testing to all Dual Diploma students. These are free and sent via email at regular intervals early and later in the program. Students can also ask their HGS advisor for practice tests to self-assess.

  • The following free resources are available to students:

    Click here for: Testing Preparation: English Learning Tips.pptx

    Click here for: English Practice: Test your English - Every level and every skill (