Student Ambassadors are leaders in the Hudson Global Scholars Student Community. Ambassadors must have excellent academic records, strong leadership skills, and a commitment to serving their peers and community. They must also be willing to represent Hudson Global Scholars in a variety of ways. Students must apply and be selected to be part of this exclusive program.
Once selected, Student Ambassadors meet on a regular basis and contribute their skills to improving the student community. Every student ambassador identifies a leadership skill they would like to improve, and then works with their group leader to design a project to help build that skill. For example, students that would like to improve their public speaking skills might create and deliver a live presentation to peers across the globe. Ambassadors bring big ideas to the community—they have been responsible for creating and leading some of our most popular clubs, such as the Language Club and the Trivia Club. Ambassadors also have regular opportunities to participate in focus groups, help design social media campaigns, write blog posts, and more! Being an ambassador is an excellent opportunity to showcase unique talents, build leadership skills, and stand out in university applications. Student Ambassadors who successfully complete their term receive a letter of recommendation for their contributions!
We accept applications year-round and notify ambassadors of their selection twice a year, in December and April. All interested students are encouraged to apply!